“Africa miniature” as they often call Cameroon, is a country located in the west central African region. Cameroon is home to over 200 linguistic groups. As in most African countries today, education is underfunded and often schools are poorly equipped. Girls attend school less regularly than boys do,because of cultural attitudes, domestic duties, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, and sexual harassment. Only 19% of the state schools have working toilets. Additionally, only 30% of Cameroon schools have access to tap water, and sadly less than 30% have enough desks and chairs for their students.

“Sagapo Children’s Foundation” is now joining forces with the association, “Un enfant Un avenir” to make a difference. The mission at hand is to raise funds to assist in providing desperately needed school supplies to the public primary school of Yaoundé Messa. Here upwards of 2000 children attend classes in an extremely poor and deprived environment. The school has around 30 overpopulated classes with approximately 62 children per class.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and generous support of this extraordinary journey. It is of the up most importance to support underprivileged children in obtaining better quality education around the world.


Happy Children at the Belado school in Bertoua receiving their Sagapo school bags before Xmas

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